Thursday, November 15, 2018
Yikes! My Child Will be Driving Soon (What a Parent Should Know) – Share the Keys Program
A Share the Keys: Safe Driving Orientation for teens and parents will be held on Thursday, November 15, 2018 from 7:30-9pm at the Cresskill High School Library & Media Center.
Your child takes a Driver’s Education class in their sophomore year and may be eligible to start driving with a permit at age 16. This orientation is highly recommended for parents of 10-12th Graders (and their teens).
Developed by Kean University in partnership with the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety and New Jersey State Police, Share the Keys is designed to reduce teen driver crash risks by increasing parental involvement.
The orientation aims to ensure that parents and teens fully understand the risks and responsibilities associated with driving and use a variety of best practices as they navigate this important life responsibility. During the program, teens and parents will take a look at all aspects of the Graduated Driver License (GDL), learn how adults’ behaviors behind the wheel affect their teens’ driving behaviors, and discuss ways they can reduce the likelihood of a teen accident.